
This collection of posts is focused on my journey while learning the Rust programming languange

Control Flow In Rust
In this article, we’ll be discussing what control flow is and how we can use it in Rust. Deciding whether or not to run some code depending on a condition and deciding to run some code repeatedly while a condition is true are basic building blocks in most programming languages. The most common constructs that let you control the flow of execution of Rust code are if expressions and loops.
Functions In Rust
In this article, we’ll be discussing what functions are and when to use them in Rust. As some of us already know, functions are “self-contained” modules of code that accomplish a specific task. Generally, functions are used to encapsulate certain pieces of repetitive code that can later be used by other functions to execute said code without having to write it all over again. Functions should be small, this is the first and the most important rule related to functions, you should keep them as short as possible.
Data Types In Rust
In this article, we’ll be discussing the various data types in Rust. Rust differs from languages like Python or JavaScript in many ways, Rust is what’s known as a strongly typed language, this means that every variable must have a predefined data type bound to it at compile-time, in weakly typed languages, you don’t have to explicitly define them because it makes conversions between unrelated types implicitly. Of course, this comes at a cost, while weakly typed languages have many advantages, speed isn’t one of them.
Variables And Mutability In Rust
In the last article, we talked about how to use Cargo for Rust projects and highlighted some of its most common commands. We are now going to go further and start talking about variables and mutability. One of Rust’s main features is that variables are immutable by default, which means that values cannot change once set. This might seem odd at first, mainly because we sometimes need to change values in order to make our program work, but fear not, you can still make them mutable!
Let's Talk About Cargo For Rust Projects
In the last article, we talked about the basics to get started with Rust, we even wrote our first, very simple program. We are now going to discuss how can we use Cargo, one of the tools we talked about that comes with Rust. Cargo is Rust’s package manager, with it, you can add dependencies to your projects, for instance, let’s say you need to generate random numbers, well, there’s a crate for that.
How to get started with Rust?
This is the first in a series of articles to help developers understand Rust better, I will be covering most of what you can find in The Rust Book, in a more synthesized and concise way. I will start with the basics and build my way up to more complex topics. Disclaimer This course is intended for people who have a basic understanding of programming languages, preferably those who have written code before, this doesn’t mean you can’t follow along if you have no experience, just that it will be harder to understand some concepts.
Should we trust Rust with the future of systems programming?
That’s a pretty daring question considering Rust has been around for a fairly short amount of time and in that time has become the most loved language for 5 years in a row, according to the Stack Overflow Developer Surveys. It is very clear that developers love working with Rust, many big companies have been adopting it to fix many of the memory issues C and C++ have caused by taking advantage of Rust’s memory safety capabilities.
Best Development Tools And Resources For Rust
As new Rust developers, we constantly encounter new challenges, especially coming from languages like JavaScript or Python. Rust isn’t as familiar as other languages, but being a modern language it brings many benefits to the table that other older languages don’t. The purpose of this article is to help Rust developers find tools and resources to make the most out of their developer experience. If you are reading this and Rust is not installed in your system head over to this website and install it.